Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Final Portfolio Project

Here is the final product the result of this class. This portfolio includes all of the design work I created within the past six weeks and some other work I have created in the past. I learned such a great amount of things in such a short period of time regarding the three most vital programs in design. Hope you have enjoyed my journey. Feedback is always welcome :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Final Surrealist Project

I decided to combine my passion for photography and for poetry in my surrealist project. I went on a trip to Portland, Oregon and took a slew of pictures I always wanted to showcase. Thanks to photoshop I was able to combine both of these in a dream-like piece that functions like a portrait of myself. I am even featured in the work as the girl in transition in a sepia tone. This is a second piece I grew very proud of and I was pleased to her all of the constructive criticism on my critique. For the most part, I do not feel I am going to change it because I feel the work says enough on its own as it is. What do you think about my work?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ideation- Surrealist Vladimir Kush

I was drawn to Vladimir Kush's surrealist art work because of his appreciation for space and landscapes. I applaud his different take on metaphorical realism in that his style is all his own yet he pays homage to the artists before him. Below are some example of his magical work:

Surrealist Project- rough drafts

In my surrealist project ideation I was not particularly inclined to draw a scene or abstracted idea. Instead, I was inspired by my Zen and meditation readings to just free write whatever came to my mind. I wrote in cursive a simple poem in Spanish and decorated it with foliage, leaves, and stars. I want my piece to be about time and space and how these two entities are so different yet so intertwined. It makes me question where humanity stands in between these two.

Portrait Critique

We had our critique for our portrait yesterday. I feel that I was as honest and thorough as I could have been. I was praised for my craftsmanship and my attention to detail on my face and hair. If I could have changed anything about my portrait I think I would have reconsidered the pattern I used as the background. Thought I initially liked the colores, the "í" is somewhat distracting in that it is much lighter color than my initials. I think I might go back and change this for my own records. Apart from that, I am quite happy with this piece and I will continue to try to improve should time allow.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Photoshop 101

Below are a few images I edited on photo shop. I played with hue/saturation, lighting, blurring, contrast, and highlight backgrounds and foregrounds. Here are few images I worked on in class. 

Final Portrait(s)!!!

Here are my finished products. I wanted to play with warm and cool colors so I have two versions. Which one do you think suits my persona better?

Early Draft of Pattern

This is the pattern I created for my portrait with my initials... I think I will change for the final.

Portrait Work in Progress

Here are some earlier drafts of my second project on Illustrator. Is it starting to look like me?